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So this month, rather than revising for my mock exams, I am reviving something that me and a couple of my friends tried doing about a year ago now. The observant off you might have spotted what it is in the title, and for those of you are are about as bright as a blind man's living room (is that a saying? no? okay), it is a film challenge. As i said we tried this quite a while ago, the plan being that each month my friend Carlos would challenge me and my other filmy friend Woosey to make a short film within a month, inspired or following a brief he would give us. the brief could be anything, from a title, to a prop, location, line of dialogue, genre, blablhablha, literally anything.

The first one was the title 'Growth', which i developed into a story of boy who's failing at life, but decides to turn it around, start training for the army, joins, and on one of his patrols he would be blown up by an IED. He did survive and it would loop back round with him running again or something but no with a prophetic leg. It was a tad ambitious but i had it all planned out, but for one reason or another we never finished it, and only filmed his fitness montage, which you can see here.

We tried again the next month with the idea of, if i remember rightly, someone breaks into someone's house and finds something (or words to that effect). Now i did struggle with this one, and Woosey hadn't gotten round to making his film from the month before, and it all just fizzled out.

Till now.

Just as our motivation was before, I am determined try and make one short film a month, every month for as long as i can, to force myself into making work and honing my skills. well that's the plan anyway. i'm not sure how good its going to go, and i've got a lot of other things i want to work on, so if i write another 'film challenge revived' blog in a few months don't hate.

*side note: quite interested in the Rode Reel this year so might look at doing something for that*

Anyway, after much nagging of Carlos to come up with an idea (something he was incredible unhappy about by the way, and despite my best efforts to explain that his job was the easiest)

today, the first of the month, he announced his brief. And it is...



*side note #2 : Due to his objections when i reminded him to tell me, and a suspiciously long reply time (even for him), i have a feeling this might have been thought up on the spot*

None the less, i have 30 days, 3 hours, 26 and 18 seconds to write, produce, film, edit and upload a film.

About drugs.

The Idea

As a quick precursor i think the way i'm going to write this blog is as a series of numbered Edits, so in theory you can see what i'm doing as i'm going along, or if you come to look back at it later, you'll be able to see what i've done when.

01/03/17 Edit 1 ~ No bloody idea.

01/03/17 Edit 2 ~ Should be doing history work, but i think an idea is forming, not 100% sold on it, but hopefully i'll get to work on the script soon.

02/03/17 Edit 3 ~ Idea locked down mostly, ran it past Carlos, and now working on the script.

15/12/2017 Edit 4 ~ Jesus I have ignored this for ages. Idea is basically shelved, script got mostly done but i still need to get round to finishing it. In the end it it grew way beyond anything possible in a month, but i'm excited at what came of it. Its in the pipeline kids.

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